
In january 1985, 10 yearz b3f0re the interweb was ever around, the N.=[E]T.C.[=0.[=0=.]L[W1=CK=3D faction broke off from what it saw as the tired and un-new and boring and destructive ways of the high-and-mighty rulers of whatever. traced back to before the 20th century, the net=co.ol]z/symbolists waged war against the trends of cool and pantz and eventually coalesced into 7 different movements. at this time the pioneering space crew school expounded onto the then worn surplus school of a few different but unwanted ideas that warred and eliminated the previous movements etc. already then, the very first first people to ever ever have or do anything really really new were then there, and they came as the LA-dark-hill-squad [*citation needed] and then progressed into the further amenable post-LA-falling-unit who wrote really good literature. later the beyond-and-better-than-space-gang school came up with a new slogan of "poetry for and by the objects" which actually was the same as the space thing and gave birth to the preceding original movement of thousands of years ago - this one. the meta-cool-placeless-everything movement which is responsible for everything is the original idea that is generally attractive to most women and which is the fountain of breadth in the wary-something-neoerotic-logical/rational trance-state nootics that is generally unbeatable.

- ron "jen" sellman

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