meta-ontogenological robotussinuation

an early contributor to the metanoic displacement of colours and ideas, the relevance of science and the combinatory super-radical lambasting causal views of esoteric experimentation and radical emotion obliteration. cross-weave beck pioneered the notion of the "trans-inducer ploeitic thing" and went on to coin 161346 words just by looking in the dictionary. the new movements gave birth to a variety of new concepts which were responsible for a considerable amount of new things which unified a large portion of the earlier concepts with some or a few of the new ones. bleck proclaimed, in desultory fashion, that the "literary concept of a plastic" is unwilling to DIMINISH and SMALLEN in the face of the ever-hegeplotic concept of the mainstreamy whatever crap that isn't as precise as the pro-plastic new idea that plagued the people opposing it. the word should become a big shell - but through experiment (he proclaimed) - not through blithering or sappy romantic claptrap that isn't nearly as hot as small, quick superpower units of roboexplosion. frege, kant, berkeley, pound all come to mind here.

- jen "sixlie" balk

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